About Me

This is what I do.

I'm a simple geek from New Zealand. I work in the Funeral industry and I have over 25 years in the IT industry before that. The Internet is my haunting ground. I float between places on the web that interest me, and I still use the old school services like IRC and Gopher when the spirit takes me.

I live a simple life. My fiancée and I share a house with some fur babies and some family members. We're slowly getting the house to ourself...

I am fiscally conservative, but socially liberal. I want small government, but I do appreciate that some services are necessary for the functioning society we have created. I want the world to be a better place, but I also understand that if we lose our ties to the past we are likely to repeat the same mistakes rather than learn from them. I believe that the government should be required by law to balance the books at every budget, and that borrowing money should be used only for emergencies. For example, the situation with the fires in Los Angeles 2025 would warrant borrowing money to help the people of the city recover. Or when the Christchurch Earthquake happened in 2011, government borrowing to assist the city recover would be justifiable. However, borrowing money for social welfare or other normal and general government programs should not be allowed. The money must be removed from other places to pay for those kinds of services. You want better teachers? What are you willing to sacrifice to do that? We cannot keep borrowing money and running up huge deficits that will never get paid off.

In other words, catastrophic events warrant borrowing money and the whole population chipping in to help recover. Day to Day business, not so much.

From a political stand point, I am torn. In part, I think only those not receiving some sort of unemployment benefit should be able to vote. If you're not contributing taxes into the system, you shouldn't get a say in how those taxes are spent or used. Those that do pay more in tax than they receive in benefits should be able to vote.